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We're offering monthly free printing to registered charities, community groups, or CICs in Wiltshire and surrounding counties. Whether it's flyers, posters, or display boards, we're here to help you spread the word about your work.

Why GivingPrint?

GivingPrint isn't just another service—it's our way of saying "thank you" and giving back to those who make our work meaningful. It's a heartfelt initiative designed to support charities and community organisations by offering them what we do best: high-quality digital printing, absolutely free.

By investing in GivingPrint, we're contributing to the visibility and success of local charities and organisations and fostering a culture of giving and collaboration that goes beyond business.

In a world where every little bit helps, GivingPrint is our bit. It's about making a difference, one print at a time, and we couldn't be prouder of the impact we're making with our community partners.

We understand these organisations' ongoing needs, so we also offer our services at heavily discounted rates beyond the free quota. 

Thank you for supporting us in this journey. Together, we're not just printing; we're making prints that matter.

Get Involved

Are you ready to take advantage of GivingPrint? We'd love to hear from you if you're a registered charity, community group, or CIC with an office or shop in our service area. Please fill out our form below to get started. It's our way of giving back, one print at a time.

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